Tag: watercare

Central interceptor

Today we had people from Water Care explain the new waste water tunnels Called the central interceptor. There were 3 activities: a VR tour, making a mountain or river and see how physical and chemical waste moves through them and the last one was making a miniature model of the Central Interceptor and seeing how efficient the Central Interceptor is at transporting the water to the Mangere sewage plant/bucket it was really fun so I made a report about the central interceptor but first I have to show you some pictures.



The Central Interceptor is a waste water tunnel going through Auckland and takes all the waste water to Mangere sewage plant. It will take 5 years to make and they estimate it will be used for 100 years!

Our old sewer system was too small and was overflowing waste water into our lakes, streams, ponds and oceans. So we’re making a gigantic tunnel for the water stretching 14.7 kilometers that’s longer than the tallest building (at 828 meters)in the world tipped over! Its going from Dundale Avenue to Haycock Avenue

It is 1.2 billion New Zealand dollars. The tunnel is 4 rhinos wide (4.5 meters) and 1 giraffe tall (4.5 meters) or as big as a parachute, You could fit a few cars in that!

The borer’s name is Hiwa I Te Rangi (a drill) is 190 meters long and 15 and 110 meters down which is a third of the sky tower! The borer was made by people in Europe, Italy. The interceptor works because of gravity it wouldn’t work properly without it! The borers are all named after females. There is a smaller borer doing New Lynn.