Tag: inquiry

Our Rube Goldberg Machine

This Term we have been learning about rube Goldberg machines. There are 6 simple machines, which include: Inclined Plane, Wedge, Lever, Wheel & Axel,  Pulley and a Screw.Our Rube Goldberg machines purpose was to clean a marble, the simple machines we used are an: inclined plane, Wheel & Axel and a Screw. Our final attempt was successful and making it was super fun 🙂

How Different people use navigation

Hello, For the past week we have been learning about navigation and I want to teach you some things about what I learnt.Also, have you ever used a GPS.


Hui Te Rangiora

Hui Te Rangiora is a navigator from Raotonga


Tupaia Master Navigator

Tupaia is a navigator and also a high priest from the island of Rā‘iātea


The Difference between iris and Tupaia


Carmen Santiago Google Earth

for inquiry we were doing google earth Carmen Santiago. were you had to look for different VILE members by going to different Country to investigate different people from different places here are the links to the screenshots and the link to the game.

The first one >HERE<

The second one >HERE<

The third one >HERE<

Cultural cuisine

for inquiry we are doing cultural cuisine and we were learning about Hangis and i learnt that Hangis are stoves in the ground and are used on special occasions like funerals and weddings etc. Hangis are used to cook food traditionally. Hangis are still used in NZ to keep the tradition alive. Tikanga is custom and traditional values for NZ. we also got to make a sculpture of one but we didn’t finish it in time.