Our Rube Goldberg Machine

This Term we have been learning about rube Goldberg machines. There are 6 simple machines, which include: Inclined Plane, Wedge, Lever, Wheel & Axel,  Pulley and a Screw.Our Rube Goldberg machines purpose was to clean a marble, the simple machines we used are an: inclined plane, Wheel & Axel and a Screw. Our final attempt was successful and making it was super fun 🙂

Maori Language week Performance By AGS

Today, AGS came to our school to preform. First one of the girls gave a speech about how she felt about the Maori culture. Next they performed a song (I forgot the name of it) and after that they told us to make a theme with our mouths. After that they performed another song and then we took a group photo of the whole school with them.  

Going To Watch The Play Dirty Work

(This Is The Best Photo I Could Find)

Yesterday, we went on a trip to Queer theater to watch Dirty Work. First we got on the bus and drove to the city. Then we walked into the lobby and waited for the other schools to arrive at the theater. After they all sat down in their seats we walked up the stairs to our seats. Miss said we had the best seat on the side hanging over the stage. After a while the lights dimmed and the play started. I don’t remember the whole play but my favorite part was when they started throwing scrunched up paper balls around, then a bunch of them came from the roof. After the play ended the lights slowly came back on and they bowed and everyone started clapping and cheering. After we finished clapping for them, they asked if we had any questions, but I can’t remember what they were. When everyone finished asking questions the other schools left, we walked down the stairs and back to the lobby, to wait for our bus. When our buses were here we walked over to them and our class was the first class to go on the buses. Then we got to school and had lunch, which I also forgot what it was.

How Different people use navigation

Hello, For the past week we have been learning about navigation and I want to teach you some things about what I learnt.Also, have you ever used a GPS.


Hui Te Rangiora

Hui Te Rangiora is a navigator from Raotonga


Tupaia Master Navigator

Tupaia is a navigator and also a high priest from the island of Rā‘iātea


The Difference between iris and Tupaia


Making Cloth Designs In Art

Hello, Today in art we were making cloth art. First we had to put the cloth on the table. Next we had to draw what we saw lightly. Then we had to heavily trace over the lines we had drawn and we did this with no rubbers so if we made a mistake we had to deal with it, I felt like it was better like that and the art teachers reason for it was so we weren’t rubbing out and redrawing to get the perfect line the whole lesson. Next we learned how to do shading on the art and we did that with willow tree charcoal. Doing the shading was quite fun i was shading a map type drawing that i made i rolled the cloth into a cylinder and then unrolled some of it so it looked like it does know. During the third break it was raining so we stayed in the art room and watched some animations. After the third break we did 8 minutes of free drawing just to get our minds back onto art. we were now going to draw a knot of the cloth with the same process it was just a little harder to draw but it was more i think it was more fun. Then we did some shading which was really enjoyable but the charcoal we were using stained my fingers for a little while. When we finished i liked my art but it wasn’t the best i could do.the image on the screen is the type of art we did.

Going To The Movies To See Red, White And Brass

Today we went to see a movie we were going to watch Red, White and Brass. First we lined up in the hall. What’s even better is that we were the first ones to go on the bus. The bus was super loud and lengthy but then we finally got to Sylvia park and walked to hoyts where we would be watching the movie.

We got into the cinema and sat down. I had a seat closer to the top of the gigantic room. We also got a free mid sized box of popcorn. Once we all sat down the director/producer started talking about the movie and why they made it. After that the lights dimmed and the movie started. I’m not going to spoil the movie too much, I’m just going to say my favorite part of the movie. My favorite part of the movie was when the grandma robbed or in ear quotes needed money for the church after they scammed her grandson. After the movie finished we slowly walked out of hoyts and onto the bus. Personally I enjoyed the movie and I would rate it a 7.5 out of 10. When we got to school it was lunch and we had chicken, corn, rice, beans and a tiny bit of peas. I love food so I obviously enjoyed it.

The Egg

The Egg

By Brennan


One dark morning a couple hours before sunrise, Tim heard a chicken squawking so he stumbled outside to the airy dark grassy plains. Suddenly a tree cracked and came tumbling down, nearly hitting the rustic chicken coop. When the cracking and snapping was quiet  but not silent Tim walked over to investigate what happened and how it happened but first he needed to see if the inside of the chicken coop was intact. But when he walked around to go inside he saw a glow from the door and he started to run towards it. Tim got to the door and reached out for the door handle but before Tim could grasp it fell backwards. So Tim walked inside and saw a massive molten egg.


He had no words to describe it. Tim pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight to see if everything else was intact he found out that the roof was broken and as he was searching for other breakages, all around the egg set a blaze and the chickens started squawking and sprinting out the door that had recently fell down. Then Tim realized that the chicken coop had caught on fire and he ran for it like the chickens had. Then the rustic chicken coop collapsed through the floor into a dark mysterious cave.


Tim hesitated to go down into the cave for a while, then he slid down into the abyss. Tim started navigating through the cave system for about an hour until he felt a wave of humid air come past so he ran round the corner to see what was making it so hot. It was a fiery cavern with burning hot magma and deadly lava.


Then Tim saw the molten egg but there were only igneous rocks to run across to it and they were submerging swiftly so he jumped off into the ash and sprinted for the egg. But as he was running for the egg he tripped over some pebbles and fell onto some magma it burned his arm but he was determined to get to that egg before it hatched. Tim ran until the egg started crumbling and Tim ran faster up until he got to the egg. It was a mythical, Molten, Fiery and Gigantic Dragon!