Tag: Camp

Totara Springs camp

This is only what i remember from the camp so. At Totara Springs last wednesday we were excited to get into the activities but first they showed us a trailer of the camp. In the trailer It showed us which areas we could, couldn’t go and ones we had to wait for an instructor. There were three signs O is own risk, W is wait for instructor and N is no go. it also showed where everything is and what we’re actually doing at camp. There was adventure run, kayaking, archery, Hatchet toss, team rescue, low rope, abseiling, crate climb,  water slides and hydroslide. My group’s first activity was Hatchet Toss. There were two hatchets, a big one and a smaller one. I chose the big one because I thought I could do it easily. I threw it full force with two hands, but I didn’t even hit the target! The second time I also missed it because it’s further away because it’s a bigger hatchet. So I tried the smaller one, threw again two handed and missed yet again. When it was my turn again I tried one handed and hit every time. I really enjoyed the experience and I’m hoping to try it out again soon.


Next we were shown to our cabins. My friends and I that were in my cabin (there were two) rushed upstairs to the room up there and I put my stuff on the top bunk to claim it so I got a window view, my other friend went for the bed under me and my last friend in the cabin took the corner bed. The other people in our cabin were arguing for like an hour.


Dinner was now ready and we started to walk/run to the dinning hall. But we got there before they started serving food so my friends and I played in the courtyard until it was ready. Dinner was now ready and we all ran or walked to the dinning hall. For dinner we had lasagna, salad, bread and butter. For pudding it was apple crumble.


After that we ran back to our cabins to get them clean and tidy for the inspection. Our cabin passed the inspection and we ran to the lecture theater to watch a movie. The movie was called Hugo and it was about a boy that lives in a clock inside a mall, but i don’t want to spoil it too much.


After the movie it was like 10 o’clock and we walked back to our cabin my friends and i ran up stairs and went to bed but our sleep was interrupted by the noisy people downstairs they were yelling and banging around the teacher came in several times to quiet them down, but they didn’t want to but eventually they fell asleep either sitting up or lying down. So then I could finally fall asleep. Then in the morning I was woken up at five o clock by a cabin member. They said it was time to wake up and we had two hours left to tidy up before it was seven. I said be quiet and go back downstairs because we were trying to sleep. Then he started talking to everyone else rather loudly and that kept us up until seven. It was now seven o’clock and we were cleaning up our cabin for the inspection in the morning. The inspection was at 8 and we had already finished our room. I don’t know if downstairs did though. We had a choice to do fitness at 7:30 but I chose not to because I was tired. It was now 8 o’clock and our inspection was here. They gave us around a 7 because downstairs was messy.


Then at 8:30 we ran out to have breakfast and we were there early again so I played floor lava tag and because I’m such a pro I didn’t get tug once. Then it was breakfast time and we walked into the hall. For breakfast it was cornflakes or rice bubbles with an option of peaches, yogurt and milk. There was also Toast and you had a choice of butter, 3 different types of jam, honey and marmite.


After we finished breakfast we walked out to do our activities and we were going to the hydroslide with two or so other groups. We had a choice to go on the foam slide or the heated hydro slide. For the hydro slide we got to go on the tallest entry. First I slid down with one of my cabin members. It was really warm and once you got out it was freezing and the second time I slid down with one of my friends from another cabin. Then I slid down the foam slide with them but sadly it has no foam anymore. We slid down face first on our stomachs and it was quite warm we also nearly hit the end so we ran up the hill and did it again. Then we ran back to the hydroslide because the queue stacked up and when my friend went with someone else I slid down with a teacher or two a few times. Then for our final one before archery i slid down with two of my friends and one of them accidentally injured my elbow and that meant i was not able to do archery.


When we got to the archery range I just watched and waited, then it was time to go kayaking and my arm was also feeling better and whenever I asked if my elbow was alright and I accidentally kept saying shoulder. So when we got down there I picked up one of the oars and practiced with the rest of my group and then we were pulling the kayaks out and I had a red kayak. After we pulled them down to the river we hopped in and left one by one. I was third to last to hop in one and someone kept crashing into me which slowed me down and slingshotted me back but mrs was standing there pushing people up stream if they got to far downstream we had to get to three trees further up stream which was to far up for me because it had just rain so the current was strong and people kept crashing into me so i docked back to the sand like many others before me and some people fell off into the five degree waters. Once everyone got back on land we walked back up past the campfire past the swimming part of the river. halfway there I thought where my shoes were and ran back down to get them. After that I walked back up for morning tea. It was a muffin, it tasted very good and then we got to play tag again. After we finished we had low ropes but we didnt get to do it because there was no instructor. So we just all holded a rope and someone from our group walked along the rope. Then we just chilled out at the park table.